Hi guys im back from vacation, I have many pictures to post but i cant do it once so I decided to post the first part of our trip. we stayed in our friends apartment. We went to swiss by car it was 1000 km from our house, normally it just one day trip but we decided to do it in two days we stopped in stresa Italy and stayed one night in Hotel camea. next day we continue our journey to swiss. We passed many tunnels, swiss is one of the best country, twenty percent of the people are foreigns, I met two filipina who are married there. Here some of the pictures.
Typical house on the country side
Grimselpass (2165 meter high) as you can
see still snow at the back, during the winter
the road was close, when we past this the river still freezing
Grimsellpass (2165 meter high)
Another mountain pass called Simplon pass
2005 meter high